Donating & Stewardship

A message from the pastor
Giving is an essential part of living our faith in Jesus Christ. Your generous gifts of time, talent, and treasure to St. Joan of Arc parish make it possible for us to carry out our mission: To be Christ for others, as Christ is for us. You provide the sole financial support which enables our parish to proclaim Christ in prayer, teaching, and service. Thank you for your every effort to be a faithful steward of God’s gifts. When you give, it truly makes a difference!
Donate Online
Online Giving
Electronic Giving – For your convenience and to support faithful weekly giving, St. Joan of Arc parish offers you the opportunity to contribute to the Church by using your credit card as well as automatic payments from your checking or savings accounts. You control the frequency of your giving and can print reports at any time. These options are safe, secure, and convenient. You can easily access and set up your giving choice here on our website through Online Donations or through our parish communication tool, Giving on Realm.
Envelope Giving
Weekly Envelopes – Envelopes are mailed monthly to every registered household in the parish that is not participating in Electronic Giving. In addition to the weekly offering to the parish, envelopes include major Holy Days, Diocesan, and Special Offerings.

Other Ways of Giving
- Gifts of Stock and Securities – St. Joan of Arc parish accepts donations of appreciated stocks and securities. This method of giving may provide you with a tax benefit in the deferral of capital gains. Stock donations may be coordinated by contacting the parish office.
- Remember St. Joan of Arc parish in your Will or Estate Planning – Consult your attorney and tax professionals. You may add St. Joan of Arc parish as a beneficiary by stating either an amount or percentage of your estate to be donated to the parish. Please contact the parish office to obtain appropriate information.