Mass & Sacraments

Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm

Sundays: 8 am (live-streamed) | 10 am | 12 noon

Monday - Friday - 9 am (live-streamed)

Eucharistic Adoration:
First Friday - 9:30 am - 12 pm
(concludes with Benediction)


Watch live-streamed Mass


Confession Schedule


Saturday: 3-4 pm

For those needing to make appointments, please contact the Parish Office, (925) 830-0600.



To make Funeral arrangements with St. Joan of Arc Parish, please contact the Parish Office at (925) 830-0600, M-Th, 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., or email parishoffice@sjasr.org


You may also contact the following mortuaries:

Queen of Heaven Cemetery and Funeral Services, Lafayette

(925) 923-0900


Graham-Hitch Mortuary
Dennis Steiner

(925) 837-2500


Music Ministry

Are you interested in worshiping through music? Consider joining one of our parish music ministries.


Learn More

Sacramental Information

The church sees Baptism as an initiation, a welcoming of a person into the Christian family, a rite that joins the baptized to a community of believers linked together by ties of faith, grace, and love.

Preparation for a child, age 6 or under, please email baptism@sjasr.org to learn more.

Preparation for a child, grade 3 to high school senior, please contact our Children’s Sacrament Coordinator, Mary Machi at mmachi@sjasr.org or 925-830-4710 to learn more.

Preparation for adults, ages 18 and up, is through a process called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). To register for RCIA, please click the button below and/or contact our RCIA coordinator, Maureen Tiffany at mtiffany@sjasr.org or 925-830-0600 to learn more.

Baptism Information Form

Register for RCIA

Eucharist celebrates our life together as a community with the presence of Christ in our midst.

First Communion for children is typically received in the second grade, with preparation beginning in our first grade Faith Formation program.

Children older than second grade, should contact our Children’s Sacrament Coordinator, Mary Machi at mmachi@sjasr.org or 925-830-4710 to learn more.

Parishioners nine years of age to adult are encouraged to contact the Children’s Faith Formation Office for further information.

We are called to conversion, we ask for forgiveness, and we forgive others in the act of confession.

The sacrament of reconciliation is offered every Saturday from 3 – 4 PM in the church or by appointment. Please call the Parish Office if you wish to set up an appointment.

Confirmation seals our Baptism and confirms our commitment to a Christian life.

Preparation for teens: Begins in grade nine. Teens should contact the Youth Ministry office at 925-830-4720 or visit our Confirmation page for more details.

Preparation for adults: Parishioners over 18 years of age should contact our Adult Confirmation Coordinator, Maureen Tiffany at mtiffany@sjasr.org or 925-830-0600. To complete the application/registration for adult Confirmation, please click here.

Matrimony joins two people in marriage for a lifetime of dedication to each other and the well-being of their children and community.

A wedding can be scheduled at St. Joan of Arc Church for a parishioner or immediate family member. We request that the couple complete the Marriage Questionnaire and return it to the Parish Office before a meeting is scheduled with a priest. This must be done at least six months before the proposed wedding date.  Our Marriage fee is $1050.
   Please view the attached brochure for additional information about celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage at St. Joan of Arc. 

Pre-Marriage Questionnaire


Offered through the ministry of the priest, the Rite of the Anointing of the Sick is open to people of all ages, and is a time when we ask for God’s healing during sickness and suffering.

For anyone experiencing chronic illness or preparing for medical treatment, surgery, long-term care, etc., please call the Parish Office at 925 830-0600 to arrange an appointment with a priest.

One of the Sacraments of Vocation, Ordination - always a call and a gift from God - is the sacramental celebration through which a man becomes a deacon, priest or bishop and is enabled to minister in Christ’s name and that of the Church.

If you or someone you know might be feeling called to ordained ministry, you can find more information at http://www.oakdiocese.org/vocations


Liturgical Ministries

This ministry takes care of the Mass linens and white robes. Members rotate at two-week intervals, with the frequency of the rotation dependent on the member of members. Members are responsible for collecting used linens and white robes any time after the noon Mass on their Sunday and returning them before the Saturday Vigil Mass the same week.

Contact: Janet Williams, janetgwilliams@hotmail.com

Boys and girls, who are at least 9 years old or in the 4th grade, their parents, and other adults over the age of 18 who want to serve our Parish through a more active role in the liturgy are welcome. Training is required and can be arranged individually or in small groups. Ministry is led by Gracie Neves.

Liturgical Ministers are needed at our weekday 9:00 AM Masses and include the following:

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion (Host and Cup)
Altar Servers

For more information, contact: Janet Magtoto (jmagtoto@sjasr.org) or Raymond Figueroa (rfigueroa@sjasr.org) at 925-830-0600.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute Holy Communion at the weekend Masses.  A one-hour training session is provided by the coordinator. Ministers sign in for their assignments in the main vestibule 10-15 minutes before Mass.  Requirements are: must be registered in the Parish, have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, and be in good standing with the Church.

Contact: Lisa Roberts, lrrl@sbcglobal.net

Greeters have an important role at our weekend and Holy Day Masses – they create a warm and welcoming environment as people enter our church doors. Greeters arrive 15-20 minutes and are scheduled to serve at a Mass of their preference. 

Contact: Joannette and Don Fong, fongohana93@comcast.net

Our ministry visits patients who are hospitalized at San Ramon Regional Medical Center every day of the year. During our visits, we provide Holy Communion and prayer for patients and their families.Time commitments for this ministry can vary, depending on the number of patients who have been identified as Catholics. The typical visit takes approximately one to two hours. Orientation and training is provided.

Contact: T.J. DeSoto, tino.desoto@gmail.com, or call 925-858-9270

Through His Word, God speaks to his people and nourishes their spirit. Thus, the Lector Ministry requires readers with a speaking style that is audible and clear as a means of transmitting the word of God properly to the congregation. In addition to the scripture readings, lectors lead the congregation in the Prayers of the Faithful. The requirements for participation in the Lector Ministry at St. Joan’s are: you must be a registered member of the Parish, a Confirmed Catholic, attend a lector training session, and complete the Safe Environment for Children training online. As a lector at St. Joan’s, you can expect to be scheduled once every 5-6 weeks, at one of our four-weekend Masses. Lectors also are assigned to Holy Day Masses and other special liturgies throughout the year. Lectors spend time preparing for their assignments on Thursday nights at 7:00 P.M. prior to their scheduled Masses and meet online via Zoom.

Contact: Janet Cooke, sjalectors@gmail.com

This group creates and enhances the beauty of our church to make our worship space more prayerful and aesthetically pleasing. While the work of the committee is most noticeable during the major seasons of the Church Year, the committee functions year-round.

Contact: Laurie Miller, lauriemiller@sbcglobal.net

In taking communion to the sick and homebound, the minister represents Christ and manifests faith, love, and hope on behalf of the whole community of St. Joan of Arc toward those who cannot be present at the Celebration of the Eucharist. Most of the time, ministers visit the homebound every week at the convenience of both the recipient and the Minister; the visit itself can be brief or extended, depending on the need and available time.

Contact: Peg Wilcox, mrbwilcox@aol.com

Men and women of all ages are welcome to join the Parish Choir. Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings in the church from 7 to 9 pm. for the 10 am Choir and 8:15 to 9:30 pm for the noon Choir. Rehearsals run from September through Corpus Christi. Choral experience is appreciated, though not required. We also welcome families of all sizes (especially those with teenagers and young children) to come by at 11 am every Sunday to sing at the noon Mass. We would love to have you join our music family!

Contact: Agatha Lee at alee@sjasr.org or call (925) 830-0600, x227

Experienced and developing instrumentalists are encouraged to share their gifts with the community as orchestra members. This group was developed during the pandemic and has been a beautiful addition to our parish. We can use your help in growing and maintaining this ministry. Please consider joining us as we welcome new members (Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, and Rhythm Section). Only one hour of rehearsal per week.

Contact: Agatha Lee at alee@sjasr.org or call 830-0600, x227

The Power Point Ministry runs the computer to display the songs (lyrics) and prayers on our monitors during Mass.The Music Ministry provides the slides, so the only time commitment is to show up to Mass 15-20 minutes early, run the slides during Mass and restart the Announcements Loop after Mass. If we have enough volunteers for each Mass time, you’ll only need to serve once or twice a month. Additional optional opportunities to serve are also available on Holy Days of Obligation. Training/orientation only takes 15-20 minutes. 

Contact: David Magenheimer at David.magenheimer@wcpmc.com 

“Simbang Gabi” literally translated as “Mass of the Night,” is a 400-year-old Christmas tradition of the Philippines. It is a 9-day Novena of Masses from December 16 to December 24, to usher in the birth of Christ. Volunteers are asked to help with the preparations starting around September of every year and to be available to help in different ways such as in Public Relations, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Greeters/Ushers, Altar Servers, Choir, food arrangements, set-up, clean-up, and other areas during the 9-day Novena.

Contact: Ely Torres, elydtorres@yahoo.com


Ushers play an important role in creating a warm and hospitable environment for worship. They help greet our parishioners and guests, direct parishioners to their pews as needed, take up the collection, and arrange for the Presentation of the Gifts. Both men and women are welcome to share in this ministry. Ushers are scheduled once or twice a month at the Sunday Mass of his/her choice. New ushers are also requested to attend a one-hour training session and, if available, are asked to attend a quarterly meeting to exchange ideas about how to better serve our Parishioners.

Contact: Del Tecson, deltecson@gmail.com

Request a Mass Intention

Requesting a Mass to be offered for loved ones, living or deceased, is a beautiful and meaningful part of our Catholic tradition.

If the priestor or lector inadvertently fails to mention the name of the Mass intention, be assured that the celebrant will remember your loved ones during the Liturgy fo the Eucharist.

If you are unable to book online, in-person Mass intentions will be accepted in the Parish Office, Monday – Thursday from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm.

Reserve a Mass Intention

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